Term 4 Week 2


Thank you for your support with our 100 day on Friday. The range of items we had brought in was wonderful and so useful in supporting the day’s activities. 


Thank you to all parents and carers who attended our parents evenings last week. It was so good to see so many of you face to face again and to welcome you into our classrooms. I think that we all agree just how much work and progress all of the children have made so far at this mid-point in the year. Thank you for your ongoing support.


World Book Day – Friday 3rd March – ‘YOU ARE A READER’
To celebrate this day which acknowledges the importance of reading for pleasure, we have some exciting events for you to join in with.

Dress up as your favourite book character! During the day each class will also take part in  a special drama workshop which will be led by an outside travelling drama group.

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.



We continue daily blending revision to help us apply our segmenting and blending skills to unfamiliar words.

 Spelling and Grammar (SPAG):

This term we will be revising the CEWs we started learning last term to ensure that children are secure in reading and spelling them. You can support your child at home this term by regularly revising these. 

1.     After 2. Bath 3. Beautiful 4. Break 5. Class 6.  Even 7. Fast 8. Father 9. Grass 10. Great 11. Improve 12. Last 13.Move 14. Pass 15. Past 16. Path 17. Plant 18. Pretty 19. Prove
20. Steak 21.  Sure

This week we will be adding -ing, -ed, -er, -est and -y to words of one syllable ending in a single consonant letter after a single vowel letter. Eg. sad → sadder, saddest, sun → sunny

If you wish to support your children further with their spelling in conjunction with their upcoming learning you could practise these spellings with them:

  • were
  • world
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter
  • special
  • memory
  • forgiveness


Last week we met the Totally Pawsome Gang and produced some posters for our reading display to remind us of their special reading skills. Our learning will now focus on each of the reading dogs in more detail. This week is Vocabulary Victor! In reading sessions we will also be exploring Spring Poetry.


This week we will continue our block of poetry lessons. We will write our own poem based on the book ‘If All the World Were…’ about a special memory we have with a loved one. We will also start to learn about diamante poems. Here are some examples of what a diamante poem is:

If you would like to enjoy some poetry with your child, here are a few links: 




We will be continuing our work on fractions this week. The children will be introduced to ‘thirds’ for the first time and learn how to find a third of a quantity. They will go on to understand the meaning of ‘unit’ and ‘non-unit’ fractions as well as learn which fractions are equivalent, e.g ½ is equivalent to 2/4.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Topic)

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In science this week we will continue with our topic about climate change and looking at the different types of climate. In Music we will be looking at the composer called Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) and the piece is called ‘Oiseaux Exotiques’ which means ‘Exotic birds’ in French. He wrote his music for piano and wind ensemble in the 20th century, about 60 years ago. 

Religion and World Views

We will be learning about a parable Jesus told about forgiveness. What does that mean? 

Once, one of Jesus’ friends, called Peter, asked him, “If someone does something wrong, how many times should I forgive them? We will be learning about the unforgiving servant. 


This week we will be discussing what relaxed means and learning to recognise what makes us feel relaxed. We will also be discussing what makes us  feel stressed and how we can overcome these feelings. 

Stars of the week

Sycamore – Talia

Maple  – Jiaan

Magnolia – Theo W

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